Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Relationship between Employee Commitment and Employee Engagement, Assignment

The Relationship between Employee Commitment and Employee Engagement, Employee Satisfaction - Assignment Example It also can be referred as creating a healthy work environment for the employees in order to motivate them. It will help the employees to connect with their work and job responsibilities (Storey, Wright and Ulrich, 2009, p.300). On the other hand, commitment can be defined as willingness to persevere in a course of reluctance and action to change plans. The employees devote their energy and time to fulfil their job responsibility as well as their personal, community, family and spiritual obligations. Employees, who are committed to their organizations and highly engaged in their job, provide effective competitive advantages to the organizations in terms of higher output. Uncommitted employees do not bother about workplace performance and outputs. On the other hand, the committed employees tend to provide their total effort to fulfil their personal career goals and job responsibility. Engagement of an employee cannot possible without effective commitment towards the organization and s eer hard work. Leaders or the managers of an organization play a vital role in employee engagement. It is important for a manager to provide value to the needs or satisfaction level of an employee in order to retrain employee commitment and employee engagement. Only a motivated employee can perform effectively in an organization. ... It will help an organization to achieve success (Mannelly, 2009, p.161). Committed employees are more engaged to their job and organization comparing to the uncommitted employees. Employee engagement, employer practices, work performance and business results are highly related to each other. It is the responsibility of the employers to motivate their employees to perform efficiently. Effective performance appraisal, incentive systems, career growth opportunities are the motivation and performance drivers for an employee in an organization. These aspects made an employee committed to their job. Committed employees provide their best performance in order to capitalize on the potential career opportunities. Therefore, it can be stated that, effective employee engagement can help an organization to increase its business productivity. Effective performance appraisal system increases the commitment level of an employee. It is evident that the global workplace behaviour is changing dramatic ally (Albrecht, 2010, p.67). Now-a-days, the customers are trying to achieve value added and high quality products and services. Therefore, the global organizations are trying to motivate their workforce in order to meet with the demand of the customers. The uncommitted employees cannot perform effectively due to lack of workplace motivation. As the skilled and motivated employees are the biggest assets of an organization, therefore it is responsibility of the organization to take care of their needs. Therefore, it can be concluded that committed employees are more engaged with their work and responsibilities than the uncommitted employees. Is it correct to say that Committed Employees are more satisfied than

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